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forum::für::umläute nicole pruckermayr & IOhannes m zmölnig

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As small as a handkerchief an area will be defined and reutilized. The smallness seems to be diametrically opposed to the mightiness of what it analyses. The moving skin is controlled via the consumption of electricity in Graz. The individual areas of the city are mapped to regions on the skin via a complex system. The power consumption in the urban area determines the energy consumption on the visible surface. The city as a whole democratic complex determines and controls the behavior of the installation. (E.g.: Whenever somebody is turning on their electric heater, this will have some influence on the installation. If more energy is consumed – because more people have turned on their radiators – the reaction of the installation will become stronger.) The „handkerchief“ transforms itself into a small „generating plant“ with a moving and modulating surface which seems to be kept in check. On the other hand, the installation itself needs electricity and is retroactive on the observed city. It is an example for many control conditions in which the terms are not that black and white as they appear to be. It is not really clear if the area controls the consumption of electricity or contrariwise.

By producing noises, the „generating plant“ almost sounds like the main place of electricity production, which in turn is (in a double sense) the motivation and driving power of this installation. The „handkerchief“ lies carelessly on the ground and works and works – futile but diligent and unresting: spinning straw to gold...

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