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NetartCommunityCongress 2005 5 x 8h

Was Conference
Wann 07.12.2005 17:00 bis
09.12.2005 09:00
Wo Dom im Berg, Graz
Name mur.at
Teilnehmer nap+forum::für::umläute, et al.
Termin zu Ihrem Kalender hinzufügen vCal

"ncc05" is the analogous and virtual platform for artistical and theoretical statements about "Barriers and their breaking-down of cultural implications of the net" in 5 x 8 h.

About all the focus is directed toward forms of communications of the “entlightened“ angloamerican cultural area, its creating the Internet in the long run. In order to tackle the problem of those cultural implications we start with a performance of the film “The Net“ by Lutz Dammbeck. Going on, the discussion is resumed in appropriate theoretical impulse papers, netart projects and experiments (e.g. with PD); thereby, the development of projects and of theory relates and reflects to one another. Including net culture initatives– verbal, iconic and nonverbal interactions will be discussed on its present and future use in the net discussion. Their limits and virtual off–limits will be fathomed out in consideration of monocultural imprints as well as culture–spreading social forms. The mise–en–scène interlaces the methodical approaches. The Community–Table functions as the action place of debatable theory, experiments and personal experience.

Physical action–places are the “Dom im Berg“, local mur.at –nodes and international outstations (“satellites“) with mutual communication. In this way, Graz concentrates not only on an intensive theoretical argument upon the phenomena of “art under netconditons“ on site, but also provides for the interested online–user the opportunity of participation and interchange of ideas.

  1. hours are structured into 5 day–and nightshifts to 8 hours each, thus clarifying the time flow of our real habitat. These shifts are interrupted by cross–linking with activties of the local mur.at nodes and of international satellites, whereas the latter are interpreted as time–slots according to their respective time belt, which break in the local day–and nightshifts. ( e.g. at night in graz a timeslot will be opened to a satellite with momentary time of day)

The Ncc05–team, formed by members of the mur.at–community , arranges together contents and temporal operational sequences of the congress– in doing so, subgroups take the responsibility for their respective ranges.

The NetartCommunityCongress 2005, culture–spreading conceived accordingly to the topic, uses the appropriate base of the mur.at network, with its infrastructure of information–and communication technology. The events will be recorded, documented and published.

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