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Live Code Festival 2013

What Festival Performance Concert
When 2013-04-19 00:00 to
2013-04-21 18:00
Where Karlsruhe, DE
Contact Name Institute for Musicology and Music Informatics
Attendees IOhannes m zmölnig et al (tbc)
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The Live.Code.FestivaL.2013 will take place at the Institute for Musicology and Music Informatics (IMWI), University of Music Karlsruhe from 19th to 21st of April in 2013, organized by the IMWI, the local live coding band Benoît and the Mandelbrots and members of the live coding organization TOPLAP.

It will be a weekend dedicated to this emerging discipline of computer music, to exchange ideas, demonstrate systems, enjoy concerts and establish connections between people and institutions interested in research and performance of live coding. Although the main focus of the festival is live coding of audio the festival will promote live coding in other disciplines as well.

For more information on live coding please visit .

The festival will include: - Live coding concerts and performances - Talks, demonstrations and discussion panels - Opportunities for collective improvisations and get-togethers

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