This folder holds the following references to publications, sorted by year and author.
There are 469 references in this bibliography folder.
toplap (2004).
Toplap Manifesto.
Wang G, and Cook PR (2004).
On-the-fly programming: using code as an expressive musical instrument.
In: New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME), Hamamatsu, Japan.
Wang G, and Cook PR (2004).
The Audicle: a context-sensitive, on-the-fly audio programming environ/mentality.
In: Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference.
Wang G, and Cook PR (2004).
ChucK: A Programming Language for On-the-fly, Real-time Audio Synthesis and Multimedia.
In: ACM Multimedia.
Ward A, Rohrhuber J, Olofsson F, McLean A, Griffiths D, Collins N, and Alexander A (2004).
Live Algorithm Programming and a Temporary Organisation for its Promotion.
In: read_me - Software Art & Cultures, ed. by Goriunova, Olga and Shulgin, Alexei . README, chap. ?, pp. 243--261.
Wilson S (ed.) (2004).
The Bloomsbury Book of the Mind.
Bloomsbury, London.
Zmölnig J (2004).
Gem for pd - recent progress.
In: Proceedings of the 2004 International Computer Music Conference (ICMC), ICMA, Miami, USA.
Powerbooks Unplugged.
Andersen T (2003).
Mixxx: Towards novel DJ interfaces.
In: Proceedings of New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME-03), Montreal, Canada.
Apple Computer Inc. (2003).
QuickTime Documentation.
Apple Computer Inc. (2003).
QuickTime for Windows Documentation.
Apple Computer Inc. (2003).
OpenGL Extensions Guide.
Bellard F, Niedermayer M, Sierralta Pulento JJ, and others (2003).
FFMPEG Multimedia System.
Berenzweig A, Logan B, Ellis D, and Whitman B (2003).
A large-scale evaluation of acoustic and subjective music similarity measures.
In: Proc. Int. Symp. on Music Information Retrieval, Baltimore, Maryland.
Blackwell AF (2003).
Cognitive dimensions of tangible programming techniques.
In: Proc. First Joint Conference of EASE and PPIG, pp. 391–405.
Blackwell AF, Hewson RL, and Green TR (2003).
Product design to support user abstractions.
In: Handbook of Cognitive Task Design, ed. by E. Hollnagel, pp. 525–545.
Casey M (2003).
Musical structure and content repurposing with Bayesian models.
In: Proc. Cambridge Music Processing Colloquium.
Casey R, and Fry B (2003).
Processing: A Learning Environment for Creating Interactive Web Graphics.
In: International Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques (SIGGRAPH), San Diego.
Collins N (2003).
Generative music and laptop performance.
Contemporary Music Review, 22(4):67-79.
Collins N (2003).
Recursive audio cutting.
Leonardo Music Journal, 13:23-29.
Collins N (2003).
Microtonal tempo canons after Nancarrow/Jaffe.
In: Proc. Int. Computer Music Conference, pp. 183-186, Singapore.
Collins N, and Olofsson F (2003).
A protocol for audiovisual cutting.
In: Proc. Int. Computer Music Conference, pp. 99-102, Singapore.
Collins N, McLean A, Rohrhuber J, and Ward A (2003).
Live coding techniques for laptop performance.
Organised Sound, 8(3):321-330.
Cramer F (2003).
Zehn Thesen zur Softwarekunst.
In: Software Art - Eine Reportage über den Code, ed. by Gerrit Gohlke. Künstlerhaus Bethanien, Berlin, chap. 1, pp. 6--13.
Cross I (2003).
Music as biocultural phenomenon.
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences (The Neurosciences and Music), 999:106-111.