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Dieses Verzeichnis enthält folgenden Referenzen zu Publikationen (sortiert nach Erscheinungsjahr und Autor):

Es befinden sich 469 Einträge in diesem Literaturverzeichnis.

Bibliographiestil wählen: 

toplap (2004).
Toplap Manifesto.
Webpublished, http://toplap.org/index.php/ManifestoDraft.

Wang G, and Cook PR (2004).
On-the-fly programming: using code as an expressive musical instrument.
In: New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME), Hamamatsu, Japan.

Wang G, and Cook PR (2004).
The Audicle: a context-sensitive, on-the-fly audio programming environ/mentality.
In: Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference.

Ward  A, Rohrhuber  J, Olofsson  F, McLean  A, Griffiths  D, Collins  N, and Alexander A (2004).
Live Algorithm Programming and a Temporary Organisation for its Promotion.
In: read_me - Software Art & Cultures, ed. by Goriunova, Olga and Shulgin, Alexei . README, chap. ?, pp. 243--261.

Wilson S (ed.) (2004).
The Bloomsbury Book of the Mind.
Bloomsbury, London.

Zmölnig J (2004).
Gem for pd - recent progress.
In: Proceedings of the 2004 International Computer Music Conference (ICMC), ICMA, Miami, USA.

Powerbooks Unplugged.
Webpublished, http://pbup.goto10.org/.

Andersen T (2003).
Mixxx: Towards novel DJ interfaces.
In: Proceedings of New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME-03), Montreal, Canada.

Apple Computer Inc. (2003).
QuickTime Documentation.
Webpublished, http://developer.apple.com/documentation/QuickTime/QuickTime.html.

Apple Computer Inc. (2003).
QuickTime for Windows Documentation.
Webpublished, http://developer.apple.com/documentation/QuickTime/QuickTimeforWindows-date.html.

Apple Computer Inc. (2003).
OpenGL Extensions Guide.
Webpublished, http://developer.apple.com/opengl/extensions.html.

Bellard F, Niedermayer M, Sierralta Pulento JJ, and others (2003).
FFMPEG Multimedia System.
Webpublished, http://ffmpeg.sourceforge.net/.

Berenzweig A, Logan B, Ellis D, and Whitman B (2003).
A large-scale evaluation of acoustic and subjective music similarity measures.
In: Proc. Int. Symp. on Music Information Retrieval, Baltimore, Maryland.

Blackwell AF (2003).
Cognitive dimensions of tangible programming techniques.
In: Proc. First Joint Conference of EASE and PPIG, pp. 391–405.

Blackwell AF, Hewson RL, and Green TR (2003).
Product design to support user abstractions.
In: Handbook of Cognitive Task Design, ed. by E. Hollnagel, pp. 525–545.

Casey M (2003).
Musical structure and content repurposing with Bayesian models.
In: Proc. Cambridge Music Processing Colloquium.

Casey R, and Fry B (2003).
Processing: A Learning Environment for Creating Interactive Web Graphics.
In: International Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques (SIGGRAPH), San Diego.

Collins N (2003).
Generative music and laptop performance.
Contemporary Music Review, 22(4):67-79.

Collins N (2003).
Recursive audio cutting.
Leonardo Music Journal, 13:23-29.

Collins N (2003).
Microtonal tempo canons after Nancarrow/Jaffe.
In: Proc. Int. Computer Music Conference, pp. 183-186, Singapore.

Collins N, and Olofsson F (2003).
A protocol for audiovisual cutting.
In: Proc. Int. Computer Music Conference, pp. 99-102, Singapore.

Collins N, McLean A, Rohrhuber J, and Ward A (2003).
Live coding techniques for laptop performance.
Organised Sound, 8(3):321-330.

Cramer F (2003).
Zehn Thesen zur Softwarekunst.
In: Software Art - Eine Reportage über den Code, ed. by Gerrit Gohlke. Künstlerhaus Bethanien, Berlin, chap. 1, pp. 6--13.

Cross I (2003).
Music as biocultural phenomenon.
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences (The Neurosciences and Music), 999:106-111.


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