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1259 Artikel gefunden. RSS-Feed
Human visual recognition ability for partially erased letters [1 %] von zmoelnig, 27.01.2013 22:59
Technologies, texts and affordances [1 %] von zmoelnig, 27.01.2013 22:58
Non-programmers identifying functionality in unfamiliar code: strategies and barriers [1 %] von zmoelnig, 27.01.2013 22:56
Reflection in Pure Data [1 %] von zmoelnig, 27.01.2013 21:51
A comparison of popular online fonts: Which are best and when? [1 %] von zmoelnig, 27.01.2013 21:48
Perception of fonts: Perceived personality traits and uses [1 %] von zmoelnig, 27.01.2013 21:46
Signs and things [1 %] von zmoelnig, 27.01.2013 20:26
A comparison of popular online fonts: Which size and type is best? [1 %] von zmoelnig, 27.01.2013 12:15
Neural specialization for letter recognition [1 %] von zmoelnig, 27.01.2013 11:19
Visualisation of live code [1 %] von zmoelnig, 23.01.2013 18:17
The object of performance: Aural performativity in contemporary laptop music [1 %] von zmoelnig, 23.01.2013 12:08
[···] [1 %] von zmoelnig, 23.01.2013 11:40
Liveness: performance in a mediatized culture [1 %] von zmoelnig, 22.01.2013 21:13
Semiotics: the basics [1 %] von zmoelnig, 22.01.2013 15:45
Languages of Art. An Approach to a Theory of Symbols [1 %] von zmoelnig, 22.01.2013 15:42
Sprachen der Kunst [1 %] von zmoelnig, 22.01.2013 15:36
Grundfragen der allgemeinen Sprachwissenschaft [1 %] von zmoelnig, 22.01.2013 15:34
Art's Birthday 2013 [1 %] von zmoelnig, 16.01.2013 10:37
Live Coding at Art's Birthday 2013
Live.Code.Festival [1 %] von zmoelnig, 16.01.2013 10:29
Live Code Festival 2013
row_full.avi [1 %] von zmoelnig, 11.01.2013 15:10
row_short.avi [1 %] von zmoelnig, 11.01.2013 15:04
code-zmoelnig.zip [1 %] von zmoelnig, 11.01.2013 13:53
makefile.win [1 %] von zmoelnig, 11.01.2013 13:53
code-zmoelnig2.zip [1 %] von zmoelnig, 11.01.2013 13:52
linwin.odt [1 %] von zmoelnig, 11.01.2013 13:52
linwin.doc [1 %] von zmoelnig, 11.01.2013 13:52
battle.ogg [1 %] von zmoelnig, 11.01.2013 13:51
Wit van ten Noise vs. Sinus Årwald
beil1.zip [1 %] von zmoelnig, 11.01.2013 13:49
slightly modified to not start the video-dialog at startup; removed additional dependency on zexy's [opearating_system]
beil.zip [1 %] von zmoelnig, 11.01.2013 13:49
original videopatch (as i left freiburg) adapted a bit to work better on OSX
Pd-0.41.zip [1 %] von zmoelnig, 11.01.2013 13:48
pd-0.41-test11 with Gem/zexy/of_tabwrite~ for OSX-10.4 (intel)

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