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forum::für::umläute nicole pruckermayr & IOhannes m zmölnig

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Sie sind hier: Startseite Members IOhannes m zmölnig projects the champions He boxed regularly and was strong and very brave and always a perfect gentleman

He boxed regularly and was strong and very brave and always a perfect gentleman

the champions' performance at piksel09, Bergen, Norway

Was Performance Concert
Wann 21.11.2009 23:00 bis
22.11.2009 01:30
Wo Bergen Kunstmuseum Bergen, No
Name Gisle Fr0ysland
Teilnehmer Georg Holzmann, Michael Pinter, IOhannes m zmölnig
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A livecoding showdown – improvisation as physical interation with structure generators, two boxers are having an infight between themselves and the computer. Uppercuts and punches are the means to write software that can only defend itself with music. Artistic creativity and decisionmaking is done simultaneously in embodied and disembodied ways. At the end of the day we’ll see what will remain…

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