This folder holds the following references to publications, sorted by year and author.
There are 469 references in this bibliography folder.
Wechsler R (2006).
Artistic Considerations in the Use of Motion Tracking with Live Performers: a Practical Guide.
Performance and Technology: Practices of Virtual Embodiment and Interactivity:60–77.
Weinberg G, and Driscoll S (2006).
Robot-human interaction with an anthropomorphic percussionist.
In: Proc. Computer Human Interaction (CHI).
Fry B, and Reas C (2005?).
Burgmeier A, and Kern P (2005-).
Gobby - a collaborative text editor.
Ott M, Pittenauer M, and Wagner D (2005-).
Bello J, and Pickens J (2005).
A robust mid-level representation for harmonic content in music signals.
In: Proc. Int. Symp. on Music Information Retrieval.
Bevilacqua F, Müller R, and Schnell N (2005).
MnM: a Max/MSP mapping toolbox.
In: Proc. of New Interfaces for Musical Expression, Vancouver.
Blackwell A, and Collins N (2005).
The programming language as a musical instrument.
In: Proceedings of PPIG05 (Psychology of Programming Interest Group).
Casey M (2005).
Acoustic lexemes for organizing internet audio.
Contemporary Music Review, 24(6):489-508.
Collins N (2005).
Searching for the Perfect Beep.
Dannenberg RB (2005).
Toward automated holistic beat tracking, music analysis and understanding.
In: Proc. Int. Symp. on Music Information Retrieval.
Davies ME, and Plumbley MD (2005).
Comparing mid-level representations for audio based beat tracking.
In: Proceedings of the DMRN Summer Conference.
Davies ME, and Plumbley MD (2005).
Beat tracking with a two state model.
In: Proceedings of IEEE Int. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing.
Gouyon F (2005).
A Computational Approach to Rhythm Description: Audio Features for the Computation of Rhythm Periodicity Features and Their Use in Tempo Induction and Music Content Processing.
PhD thesis, Universitat Pompeu Fabra.
Gouyon F, and Dixon S (2005).
A review of automatic rhythm description systems.
Computer Music Journal, 29(1):34-54.
Gouyon F, Klapuri A, Dixon S, Alonso M, Tzanetakis G, Uhle C, and Cano P (2005).
An experimental comparison of audio tempo induction algorithms.
IEEE Transactions on Speech and Audio Processing.
Grahn J (2005).
Behavioural and Functional Imaging Studies of Rhythm Processing.
PhD thesis, University of Cambridge.
Hamer M (2005).
Ivory encore for dead piano greats.
New Scientist, 186(2496):27.
Jehan T (2005).
Creating Music by Listening.
PhD thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Jehan T (2005).
Downbeat prediction by listening and learning.
In: IEEE Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics.
Jordà Puig S (2005).
Digital Lutherie: Crafting Musical Computers for New Musics' Performance and Improvisation.
PhD thesis, Universitat Pompeu Fabra.
Kapur A, Davidson P, Cook PR, Schloss WA, and Driessen PF (2005).
Preservation and extension of traditional techniques: Digitizing north indian performance.
Journal of New Music Research, 34(3):227-236.
Koelsch S, and Siebel WA (2005).
Towards a neural basis of music perception.
Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 9(12).
Mooorane (2005).
pd~graz (2005).
blind date.