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This folder holds the following references to publications, sorted by year and author.

There are 469 references in this bibliography folder.

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Bernard M, Mills M, Peterson M, and Storrer K (2001).
A comparison of popular online fonts: Which are best and when?
Usability News, 3(2).

Blackwell AF, and Hague R (2001).
Designing a programming language for home automation.
In: Proceedings of the 13th Annual Workshop of the Psychology of Programming Interest Group (PPIG 2001), ed. by G. Kadoda, pp. 85–103.

Brown JC, Houix O, and McAdams S (2001).
Feature dependence in the automatic identification of musical woodwind instruments.
J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 109(3):1064-1072.

Cemgil AT, Kappen B, Desain P, and Honing H (2001).
On tempo tracking: tempogram representation and Kalman filtering.
Journal of New Music Research, 29(4):259-73.

Collins N (2001).
Further automatic breakbeat cutting methods.
In: Proceedings of Generative Art, Milan Politecnico.

Collins N (2001).
Algorithmic composition methods for breakbeat science.
In: Proceedings of Music Without Walls, Leicester, De Montfort University.

Collins N (2001).
iDAB (infinite Drum And Bass).
In: Morpheus (Mac CD-ROM of generative dance music), ed. by John Eacott, vol. mushi006, mushimushi, London.

Cook P (2001).
Principles for designing computer music controllers.
In: New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME).

Counsell C, and Wolf L (ed.) (2001).
Performance Analysis - introductory coursebook.
Routledge, Abingdon, UK, 1st ed. (ISBN: 0415224063).

Cox G, McLean A, and Ward A (2001).
The Aesthetics of Generative Code.
In: Proc. of Generative Art.

d'Inverno M, and Luck M (2001).
Understanding Agent Systems.
Springer-Verlag, Berlin.

Dahlstedt P (2001).
Creating and exploring huge parameter spaces: Interactive evolution as a tool for sound generation.
In: Proc. Int. Computer Music Conference, Habana, Cuba.

de la Cuadra P, Master A, and Sapp C (2001).
Efficient pitch detection techniques for interactive music.
In: Proc. Int. Computer Music Conference, Havana, Cuba.

de Saussure F (2001).
Grundfragen der allgemeinen Sprachwissenschaft.
de Gruyter, Berlin, 3rd ed. (ISBN: 3-11-017015).

Dixon S (2001).
Automatic extraction of tempo and beat from expressive performances.
Journal of New Music Research, 30(1):39-58.

Dixon S (2001).
An empirical comparison of tempo trackers.
In: Proc. 8th Brazilian Symposium on Computer Music.

Dixon S (2001).
Learning to detect onsets of acoustic piano tones.
In: MOSART Workshop on Current Research Directions in Computer Music, Barcelona.

Foote J, and Uchihashi S (2001).
The beat spectrum: A new approach to rhythm analysis.
In: Proc. Int. Conf. on Multimedia and Expo (ICME).

Goto M (2001).
An audio-based real-time beat tracking system for music with or without drum-sounds.
Journal of New Music Research, 30(2):159-71.

Griffiths TD, Uppenkamp S, Johnsrude I, Josephs O, and Patterson RD (2001).
Encoding of the temporal regularity of sound in the human brainstem.
Nature Neuroscience, 4(6).

GStreamer team (2001).
GStreamer: open source multimedia framework.
Webpublished, .

Honing H (2001).
From time to time: The representation of timing and tempo.
Computer Music Journal, 25(3):50-61.

Hutchby I (2001).
Technologies, texts and affordances.
Sociology, 35(2):441--456.

Impett J (2001).
Interaction, simulation and invention: A model for interactive music.
In: Artificial Life Models for Music Applications, pp. 108-19, Cosenza, Italy.

Jensen K, and Marentakis G (2001).
Hybrid perception.
In: Papers from the 1st Seminar on Auditory Models, Lyngby, Denmark.


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