This folder holds the following references to publications, sorted by year and author.
There are 469 references in this bibliography folder.
Hansen KF (2002).
The basics of scratching.
Journal of New Music Research, 31(4).
Henry D (2002).
pd-msg tutorial.
Jehan T, Machover T, and Fabio M (2002).
Sparkler: An audio-driven interactive live computer performance for symphony orchestra.
In: Proc. Int. Computer Music Conference, Gothenborg, Sweden.
Kogawa T (2002).
Natural Radia.
Marolt M, Kavcic A, and Privosnik M (2002).
Neural networks for note onset detection in piano music.
In: Proc. Int. Computer Music Conference, Gothenborg, Sweden.
Matsuda S, Miyama C, Ando D, and Rai T (2002).
DIPS for Linux and Mac OS X.
In: Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference, pp. 317–320, International Computer Music Association.
Matthes O (2002).
pdogg - a collection of ogg/vorbis externals for pd.
McCartney J (2002).
Rethinking the computer music language: SuperCollider.
Computer Music Journal, 26(4):61–68.
Myers BA (2002).
Towards more natural functional programming languages.
In: Proceedings of the seventh ACM SIGPLAN international conference on Functional programming, pp. 1.
Neill B (2002).
Pleasure beats: Rhythm and the aesthetics of current electronic music.
Leonardo Music Journal, 12.
Noble J, and Biddle R (2002).
Notes on postmodern programming.
In: Proceedings of the ACM conference on Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages and Applications (OOPSLA), pp. 49–71.
Opitz B, Rinne T, Mecklinger A, von Cramon DY, and Schröger E (2002).
Differential contribution of frontal and temporal cortices to autitory change detection: fMRI and ERP results.
NeuroImage, 15:167-174.
Pardo B, and Birmingham W (2002).
Improved score following for acoustic performances.
In: Proc. Int. Computer Music Conference, Gothenborg, Sweden.
Pearce M, Meredith D, and Wiggins G (2002).
Motivations and methodologies for automation of the compositional process.
Musicae Scientiae, 6(2).
Peeters G, and Rodet X (2002).
Automatically selecting signal descriptors for sound classification.
In: Proc. Int. Computer Music Conference.
Polk TA, Stallcup M, Aguirre GK, Alsop DC, D'Esposito M, Detre JA, and Farah MJ (2002).
Neural specialization for letter recognition.
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 14(2):145--159.
Puckette MS (2002).
Using Pd as a score language.
In: Proceedings of the ICMC, pp. 184-187, Gothenburg, ICMA.
Puckette MS (2002).
Max at seventeen.
Computer Music Journal, 26(4):31-43.
Reich S (2002).
Writings on Music 1965-2000.
Oxford University Press, New York.
Rodden K, and Blackwell AF (2002).
Class libraries: A challenge for programming usability research.
In: Proceedings of PPIG 2002, pp. 186–195.
Rodet X (2002).
Synthesis and processing of the singing voice.
In: Proc. 1st IEEE Benelux Workshop on Model based Processing and Coding of Audio (MPCA-2002), Leuven, Belgium.
Saitou T, Unoki M, and Akagi M (2002).
Extraction of f0 dynamic characteristics and development of f0 control model in singing voice.
In: Proc. of the 2002 Int. Conf. on Auditory Display, Kyoto, Japan.
Temperley D, and Bartlette C (2002).
Parallelism as a Factor in Metrical Analysis.
Music Perception, 20(2):117-149.
Truong B (2002).
Trancendence: An artificial life approach to the synthesis of music.
Master thesis, School of Cognitive and Computing Sciences, University of Sussex.
Xiang P (2002).
A new scheme for real-time loop music production based on granular similarity and probability control.
In: Proc. Digital Audio Effects Workshop (DAFx), Hamburg, Germany.