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This folder holds the following references to publications, sorted by year and author.

There are 469 references in this bibliography folder.

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Microsoft Corporation (2003).
Windows Multimedia.

Microsoft Corporation (2003).
Windows DirectShow.

Moelants D (2003).
Dance music, movement and tempo preferences.
In: Proceedings of the 5th Triennial ESCOM conference, Hannover, Germany.

Molinari M, Legio MG, De Martin M, Cerasa A, and Thaut M (2003).
Neurobiology of rhythmic motor entrainment.
Annals New York Academy of Sciences 999:313-21.

Paulus J, and Klapuri A (2003).
Model-based event labelling in the transcription of percussive audio signals.
In: Proc. Digital Audio Effects Workshop (DAFx).

Rode JA, Stringer M, Toye E, Simpson AR, and Blackwell A (2003).
Curriculum focused design.
In: Proceedings ACM Interaction Design and Children, pp. 119–126.

Russell S, and Norvig P (2003).
Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach.
Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River: NJ, 2nd ed.

Schloss WA (2003).
Using contemporary technology in live performance: The dilemma of the performer.
Journal of New Music Research, 32(3):239--42.

Schwarz D (2003).
New developments in data-driven concatenative sound synthesis.
In: Proc. Int. Computer Music Conference.

Stuart C (2003).
The object of performance: Aural performativity in contemporary laptop music.
Contemporary Music Review, 22(4):59--65.

Thom B (2003).
Interactive improvisational music companionship: A user-modeling approach.
User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction Journal, 13(1-2):133-177.

Toiviainen P, and Synder J (2003).
Tapping to bach: Resonance-based modeling of pulse.
Music Perception, 21(1):43-80.

Villing R, Ward T, and Timoney J (2003).
P-centre extraction from speech: The need for a more reliable measure.
In: Proceedings Irish Signals and Systems Conference (ISSC 2003), pp. 136-141.

Wang G, and Cook PR (2003).
ChucK: a concurrent, on-the-fly audio programming language.
In: Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference.

Bernard M, Lida B, Riley S, Hackler T, and Janzen K (2002).
A comparison of popular online fonts: Which size and type is best?
Usability News, 4(1).

Biles JA (2002).
GenJam: Evolutionary computation gets a gig.
In: Conference on Information Technology Curriculum, Rochester, NY.

Blackwell AF (2002).
What is programming?
In: Proceedings of PPIG, 204-218.

Blackwell AF, and Burnett M (2002).
Applying Attention Investment to end-user programming.
In: Proceedings of the IEEE Symposia on Human-Centric Computing Languages and Environments, pp. 28–30.

Brown C, and Bischoff J (2002).
Indigenous to the Net: Early Network Music Bands in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Collins N (2002).
The BBCut Library.
In: Proc. Int. Computer Music Conference, pp. 313-316, Gothenborg, Sweden.

Collins N (2002).
Interactive evolution of breakbeat cut sequences.
In: Proceedings of Cybersonica, London, Institute of Contemporary Arts.

Degoyon Y, Gomez i Bigorda L, and de la O. T (2002).
PidiP Is Definitely In Pieces .

Dixon S, and Goebl W (2002).
Pinpointing the beat: Tapping to expressive performances.
In: 7th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition (ICMPC7), pp. 617-20.

Friberg A, and Sundström A (2002).
Swing ratios and ensemble timing in jazz performance: Evidence for a common rhythmic pattern.
Music Perception, 19(3):333-349.

Gouyon F, Herrera P, and Cano P (2002).
Pulse dependent analyses of percussive music.
In: Proc. 22nd Int. Conf. on Virtual, Synthetic and Entertainment Audio.


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