This folder holds the following references to publications, sorted by year and author.
There are 469 references in this bibliography folder.
Microsoft Corporation (2003).
Windows Multimedia.
Microsoft Corporation (2003).
Windows DirectShow.
Moelants D (2003).
Dance music, movement and tempo preferences.
In: Proceedings of the 5th Triennial ESCOM conference, Hannover, Germany.
Molinari M, Legio MG, De Martin M, Cerasa A, and Thaut M (2003).
Neurobiology of rhythmic motor entrainment.
Annals New York Academy of Sciences 999:313-21.
Paulus J, and Klapuri A (2003).
Model-based event labelling in the transcription of percussive audio signals.
In: Proc. Digital Audio Effects Workshop (DAFx).
Rode JA, Stringer M, Toye E, Simpson AR, and Blackwell A (2003).
Curriculum focused design.
In: Proceedings ACM Interaction Design and Children, pp. 119–126.
Russell S, and Norvig P (2003).
Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach.
Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River: NJ, 2nd ed.
Schloss WA (2003).
Using contemporary technology in live performance: The dilemma of the performer.
Journal of New Music Research, 32(3):239--42.
Schwarz D (2003).
New developments in data-driven concatenative sound synthesis.
In: Proc. Int. Computer Music Conference.
Stuart C (2003).
The object of performance: Aural performativity in contemporary laptop music.
Contemporary Music Review, 22(4):59--65.
Thom B (2003).
Interactive improvisational music companionship: A user-modeling approach.
User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction Journal, 13(1-2):133-177.
Toiviainen P, and Synder J (2003).
Tapping to bach: Resonance-based modeling of pulse.
Music Perception, 21(1):43-80.
Villing R, Ward T, and Timoney J (2003).
P-centre extraction from speech: The need for a more reliable measure.
In: Proceedings Irish Signals and Systems Conference (ISSC 2003), pp. 136-141.
Wang G, and Cook PR (2003).
ChucK: a concurrent, on-the-fly audio programming language.
In: Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference.
Bernard M, Lida B, Riley S, Hackler T, and Janzen K (2002).
A comparison of popular online fonts: Which size and type is best?
Usability News, 4(1).
Biles JA (2002).
GenJam: Evolutionary computation gets a gig.
In: Conference on Information Technology Curriculum, Rochester, NY.
Blackwell AF (2002).
What is programming?
In: Proceedings of PPIG, 204-218.
Blackwell AF, and Burnett M (2002).
Applying Attention Investment to end-user programming.
In: Proceedings of the IEEE Symposia on Human-Centric Computing Languages and Environments, pp. 28–30.
Brown C, and Bischoff J (2002).
Indigenous to the Net: Early Network Music Bands in the San Francisco Bay Area.
Collins N (2002).
The BBCut Library.
In: Proc. Int. Computer Music Conference, pp. 313-316, Gothenborg, Sweden.
Collins N (2002).
Interactive evolution of breakbeat cut sequences.
In: Proceedings of Cybersonica, London, Institute of Contemporary Arts.
Degoyon Y, Gomez i Bigorda L, and de la O. T (2002).
PidiP Is Definitely In Pieces .
Dixon S, and Goebl W (2002).
Pinpointing the beat: Tapping to expressive performances.
In: 7th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition (ICMPC7), pp. 617-20.
Friberg A, and Sundström A (2002).
Swing ratios and ensemble timing in jazz performance: Evidence for a common rhythmic pattern.
Music Perception, 19(3):333-349.
Gouyon F, Herrera P, and Cano P (2002).
Pulse dependent analyses of percussive music.
In: Proc. 22nd Int. Conf. on Virtual, Synthetic and Entertainment Audio.