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Dieses Verzeichnis enthält folgenden Referenzen zu Publikationen (sortiert nach Erscheinungsjahr und Autor):

Es befinden sich 469 Einträge in diesem Literaturverzeichnis.

Bibliographiestil wählen: 

de Campo A, Vacca A, Hölzl H, Ho E, Rohrhuber J, and Wieser R (to be published).
Code As Performance Interface - A Case Study.
In: Proc. of NIME, New York.

Eco U (first published in 1965).
Towards a semiotic inquiry into the television message.
Working Papers in Cultural Studies.

Griffiths D (?).
Webpublished, http://www.pawfal.org/Software/fluxus/.

Hall T, and Rohrhuber J (?).
Slow Code.
Webpublished, http://www.ludions.com/slowcode/.

Latta C (2011).
Webpublished, http://netjam.org/quoth/.

Gross P, and Kelleher C (2010).
Non-programmers identifying functionality in unfamiliar code: strategies and barriers.
Journal of Visual Languages & Computing, 21(5):263--276.

McLean A, Griffiths D, Collins N, and Wiggins G (2010).
Visualisation of live code.
In: Proceedings of Electronic Visualisation and the Arts 2010.

Reflection (computer science).
Webpublished, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reflection_(computer_science).

Taymans W, Baker S, Wingo A, Bultje RS, and Kost S (2009).
GStreamer application development manual (0.10.22).

Zmölnig JM (2009).
Reflection in Pure Data.
In: Proceeding of the Linux Audio Conference 2009.

Auslander P (2008).
Liveness: performance in a mediatized culture.
Routledge, 2nd ed. (ISBN: 978-0-415-77353-9).

Morgan-Mar D (2008).
Webpublished, http://www.dangermouse.net/esoteric/piet.html.

Chandler D (2007).
Signs and things.
In: Semiotics: the basics, ed. by Daniel Chandler. Routledge, London, New York, chap. 2, pp. 59--82.

Chandler D (2007).
Semiotics: the basics.
Routledge, London, 2nd ed. (ISBN: 978-0-415-36375-4).

Collins N (2007).
Live coding practice.

Collins N (2007).
Audiovisual concatenative Synthesis.
In: Proc. of the ICMC, ICMA.

Emmerson S (2007).
Living Electronic Music.
Ashgate Pub Co. (ISBN: 978-0754655480).

Fiebrink R, Wang G, and Cook PR (2007).
Don’t Forget the Laptop: Using Native Input Capabilities for Expressive Musical Control.
In: Proc. of NIME.

Hoffman M, and Cook PR (2007).
Real-time Feature-based Synthesis for Live Musical Performance.
In: Proc. of NIME, New York.

Howse M (2007).
Hacking for Art's Sake.
Webpublished, http://tuxdeluxe.org/node/74.

Howse M (2007).
The Art of Noise.
Webpublished, http://www.tuxdeluxe.org/node/109.

Howse M (2007).
The Art of Software.
Webpublished, http://www.tuxdeluxe.org/taxonomy/term/5.

Häfeli R (2007).
Webpublished, http://www.netpd.org/.

Jiang Y, and Wang S (2007).
Human visual recognition ability for partially erased letters.
International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control, 3(5):1183--1192.


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